Last night [Thursday, Oct 20], both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump attended the Alfred E. Smith charity dinner, and the two candidates sat just one seat apart. It is tradition that the two presidential candidates from the major parties attend this dinner, so the surprise wasn’t that they agreed to appear at the same event together after all of the things they have said during the campaign.
At Al Smith Dinner, Donald Trump Turns A Friendly Roast Into A Three-Alarm Fire
— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) October 21, 2016
The other tradition of the night is that the two candidates both speak, and instead of attacking each other, they tell jokes only about themselves. Donald began his speech by poking fun at his modesty and the size of his hands, but shortly thereafter he turned his jokes against Hillary. The crowd booed Trump from breaking with the tradition and teasing Hillary.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton trade jokes at last night’s Al Smith dinner
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) October 21, 2016
However, Hillary had a few jabs of her own to throw back at Trump, saying that he would only rate the Statue of Liberty a 4, and that she has plenty of stamina, demonstrated by the fact that she listened to him for 3 debates.
Thankfully, this campaign that has been filled with hateful and depressing rhetoric is coming to a close, with only 18 days left until election day. Make sure you vote on November 8th!