Vic Mensa: ‘F*ck Your Thoughts And Prayers’ Regarding Mass Shootings

An interview with TMZ revealed that Chicago rapper Vic Mensa, has some strong and forthright opinions on gun control. The outspoken individual also offered his view on politicians offering their condolences to the victims of the recent mass shootings in Sutherland Springs, TX and Las Vegas, NV.

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Vic admits to himself owning a handgun, yet exclaims there is no real reason for more higher powered arms. The weapon in question is the AR-15 used in both of the major recent slayings. “You’re not gonna fight off a tyrannical government with an AR-15 or an M16 so give it up,” he stated. “It’s not a Constitutional right. They didn’t have assault weapons when the Constitution was written… Get the f*cking AR-15s off the street or sacrifice your family and friends to mass murder. That’s the way it goes.”

Vic went in when asked about politicians reactions to the events stating:  “If you look down the list of all the Republican Congressmen saying ‘Thoughts and prayers to Vegas. Thoughts and prayers to Texas,’ those same people take money from the NRA and vote against anything that opposes complete gun ownership and background checks… F*ck your thoughts and prayers.”


Check out the video footage below and let us know if you agree with Vic and his harsh stance on guns.