Major Chicago Expressway Taken Over by Anti-Violence Protest

Thousands of citizens marched on to Chicago’s Dan Ryan Expressway to highlight the changes needed in the city. Led by Father Michael Pfleger of Saint Sabina Church on the southside, citizens took over the expressway beginning at 10 a.m. to march from 79th Street to 67th Street.

The march is demanding a change to common sense gun laws, community resources, education, employment and economic development. The changes are stated to assist in the development of the entire Chicagoland community, specifically the south and west sides, and curb gun violence.

ABC 7 Chicago reports prepared for the march began at 8:40 a.m. as IDOT workers closed lanes on the expressway to prepare for the march. State police, Chicago Police and Illinois Department of Transportation are all on the scene to ensure safety and to make sure the left lanes of the expressway would remain open. Protestors gathered at St. Sabina at 9 a.m. and were brought to the protest site by busses.


Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson shared “Our mission at CPD is to make sure individuals protest peacefully and keep them safe.”

Be sure to check back with The Source for further updates from Chicago.

Governor of Ilinois Bruce Rauner shared a statement that an agreement was reached to only be on the shoulder, which Father Pfleger responded was not true. The Governor’s office states anyone who ignores the boundaries of the barrier on the expressway may be arrested. The two lanes that were shut down eventually became the entire road once protestors negotiated an expansion of the protest. There were no arrests reported. Protestors exited the expressway at 67th street and all lanes were reopened around 12:40 p.m.

Protest organizer Father Pfleger spoke at the end of protest stating the Governor lied on the community and stated that police superintendent Eddie Johnson led negotiations with the state police to ensure the protest remained peaceful and the citizens of the city safe.

“The ones that won today are the people because the people are showing up,” Father Phleger stated. “When they saw this many people out here, black and white and brown, young and old, saying we’re tired of the damn violence in Chicago. We want the governor, the mayor, the elected officials and the community to all come together and say we want peace now.”

Once the protest was over, Governor Rauner spoke out against the protest stating it was “unacceptable” and challenging Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. Mayor Emmanuel responded simply with “It was a peaceful protest. Delete your account.”

Footage from today’s protest in Chicago is available below.