Don Lemon responded to a “nasty, hateful” tweet by President Trump by calling it “one of the oldest canards of racism” in our nation.
Lemon was responding to a tweet from the president that called the CNN anchor “the most dumbest man on TV” and ripped into LeBron James simultaneously.
“This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying,” Lemon said on his primetime CNN show.
“Referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of the oldest canards of America’s racist past and present — that black people are of inferior intelligence.”
On Friday night, President Trump reacted to an interview Lemon conducted with LeBron James by questioning their intelligence.
“Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon,” the tweet read. “He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”
Amid the interview, Lemon and LeBron talked about the opening of another school in Ohio and the b-ball legend passed on a chance to scrutinize the president.
“Unlike this president who lashes out wildly at anyone who criticizes him, LeBron James — in addition to being a brilliant black man, a superstar in his sport, and a hero to his community — is taking the high road, which is exactly where he belongs,” Lemon said Monday.