Sen. Lindsey Graham Compares Brett Kavanaugh to Dr. Bill Cosby

In an outraged reprimand during The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing aimed to get testimony from Judge Brett Kavanaugh in regards to the alleged sexual assault of Prof. Christine Blasey Ford, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina invoked Bill Cosby’s name.

The Democrats were drilling Kavanaugh after a very convincing Dr. Blasey Ford gave her side of the story. But the OG Republican, came forward in utter disgust saying that the proceedings were unfair and even comparing it to “hell.”

“I think that every woman who’s ever known Brett Kavanaugh has vouched for him being a good guy, everybody that I know that’s worked with him says he’s a fine man. I don’t think he’s a Bill Cosby, I think he’s a good decent guy,” said The Senator. He continued, “If you expect me to believe that Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist when he was sophomore, junior in high school, and he stopped and never did it again, you expect me to believe that any reasonable person would go to 10 parties where people were drugged and raped and not tell anybody it, I don’t believe it.”


Shots fired at the man that used to be “America’s Dad.”

Earlier this week, Dr. Cosby was sentenced to three to five years in prison for drugging and molesting a woman.  Almost 14 years after he gave Andrea Constand pills, the 81-year-old was found guilty by a jury of his peers last April for sexually violating the former Temple University employee, in his Philadelphia home in 2004. He was also convicted of three counts of aggravated indecent assault.

Brett Kavanaugh is still considered innocent until he is put on trial… but you know… it does not look good for homeboy.