Just when you thought the Michael Jackson child abuse allegations died following his acquittal of all such charges and then his passing in 2009, Director Dan Reed and HBO will release a very critical and scandalous documentary called, Leaving Neverland.
The documentary reportedly details the King of Pop’s relationship with two boys who were aged 7 and 10 during the peak of his stardom. Now, both men in their 30’s tell their story of allegedly being sexually abused by the pop star. This has got many people quite upset with Reed and HBO.
Jackson’s estate wrote a 10-page letter addressed to HBO’s CEO in an attempt to stop the film from airing. They vehemently denied the allegations and questioned why director Dan Reed did not speak to anyone in Jackson’s family or legal team. The question is whether the advisors and executors of the Jackson Estate took any legal action, such as an injunction, to stop the documentary that some consider false and defamatory. What is really happening here?
In an interview with Variety, Reed addressed the film’s intentions. “This is not a movie about Michael Jackson. This is not a movie about Michael Jackson abusing little boys. It’s a movie about two families and how two families came to terms with what their sons revealed to them many years after Jackson died.”
Jackson faced 10 charges that included felony conspiracy with 28 overt acts involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. Jackson denied all the charges, and his defense argued that the alleged victim and his family made up the allegations in an attempt to extort money from Michael Jackson. While we never saw any solid proof of an indecent relationship, the charges put a damper on the star’s image despite the fact he was not found guilty of these criminal charges.
“The repeated allegations against Michael Jackson and his legacy is troubling. Clearly, powerful forces in Hollywood should put a cease and desist on these spurious allegations that Michael defeated years before his death. Please let Michael rest in peace and not seek to attack his legacy. I question the motives of all those involved with this project and the overseers of the Jackson’s Estate if vigorous legal action is not taken immediately. This is yet another example of how people try to make money from our community and icons, yet allow them to be defamed and disrespected. This must not continue and Micheal deserves better” stated L. Londell McMillan, one of Michael Jackson’s former attorneys and the owner of The Source Magazine.
After a grueling detailed and sometimes outrageous testimony, Jackson was acquitted of all charges.
Watch the trailer below:
The Trailer For ‘Leaving Neverland’ Which Focus On Micheal Jackson Has Been Released