DEAR REMY MA… Correction: The Source Is Still On Newstands & Online!

Today certain members of The Source happened to be watching State Of The Culture, the episode discussing another magazine’s cover and feature story on emerging artists. 
During the episode, Remy mistakenly stated “I personally wish that they did the same thing, in making XXL what it could be. Like I said earlier, we don’t have Vibe magazine anymore, We don’t have The Source anymore.” (Fast Forward to 46:44)

The truth is The Source magazine (is print) can be found in almost 200,000 pockets around the country, including Barnes & Nobles, pharmacies and newsstands.  As a commentator on the culture across web and television forecast, she and her networks should know better than to make such a false statement.  We want to make it clear that while it was an unacceptable comment and must be addressed, we hold no ill-feelings and no shade towards Remy.  While we are proud of Remy and her work, we were surprised that she was misinformed, unaware and may not know that The Source is active, multi-platformed, owned by a culture advocate, and thriving; we nonetheless are pleased that she is thriving also!  
As referenced below, since Remy has been released from prison, climbed back on the charts and secured the bag on TV, film and even on her show State Of The Culture, we have been covering and supporting her as an inspirational woman from our community.  Her fans know where to find news about her on our site, even if she does not.  In fact, in our new POWER30 Issue (See the entire Quality Control squad on the cover and on site), we include SOTC at #18 on our POWER30 Digital List (even after the show had been on less than 6 months).  Not only are we alive and well in both print and digital, but we continue to bring news, ratings and more to the culture. Now, get ready for our FUTURE Issue everyone, and let more debates reign…  Celebrating 30 years of being the “Bible of Hip-Hop.”
Check out a few of the many stories whereas Remy Ma has been featured, positively and with love.  I am sure had The Source been critical of the queen, she or someone would have known about it.  Let’s not take each other for granted and pay more attention to each other in a positive way. The Source has been making great strides to remain positive and uplift the culture now for 30 years. As one of less than a handful fully Black-owned media companies, we regularly give back to the community from which most of the Hip-Hop narratives in the USA derive.  We are proud of our work and look forward to the next 30 years.  
Lastly, to others who may still think The Source is owned (even partially) by Dave Mays and Benzino, that is false also.  The Source has not had any dealings with those gentlemen for over 12 years now.  Please stay connected to The Source daily at and on our socials.  Peace and Love!