One might think after watching the documentary Surviving R. Kelly that R&B artist was a controlling monster, that did not allow these women to work. Well, maybe that is not all the way true.
According to TMZ, Joycelyn Savage and Ariel Clary, the two girlfriends that have been living with R. Kelly and whose parents believe they are brainwashed sex slaves, have been working as personal assistants for “Mr. Bump and Grind.” They have been helping him with his bookings and other “business matters.” And like the gentleman he is, he compensated them with a stipend every week.
These sources also note that Savage and Clary have saved these checks for a rainy day… like now.
This sounds good, right? Well according to their lawyer, Gloria Schmidt, that the money is not readily available because the staffer who pays the girls their “salary” has not been seen since R. Kelly has been arrested. And with his money already funny, maybe this is the rainy day they have been saving up for…Girls… break out the umbrellas.