Robyn Crawford is out promoting her memoir, A Song for You: My Life With Whitney Houston and she stopped by The Wendy Show.

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She admitted to the host that she planned to pull up on her with the late singer to confront her about the things she said about them when she was on WBLS. “[After] a long day’s work, we’d get in the car, the radio was on … everyone lived by the radio back then. We’re in the car and you’re like … talking like you lived with us, like you’re roommates with us,” Crawford tells the radio personality turned TV host on Tuesday morning.

“We’d be in the car and Whitney would be like, ‘Who is she? Who is this woman? I don’t even know what she looks like!’ Our plan was to go down to Hudson Street … waiting for you right outside,” Crawford said.


Williams responded, “Robyn, I can’t even fight! I would’ve run.” Crawford assured Williams, “We weren’t going to fight you — we just wanted to see you face-to-face and have a chat.”

Robyn Crawford’s memoir confirms the rumors of her romantic relationship with Houston. This was a full circle moment for Williams who gossiped about it on radio. “All came true. A lot of what I said is in this book!”