The last time fans received a Friday movie was Friday After Next, which hit theaters back in 2002. Fans have long asked for Last Friday, a sequel to wrap it all up but Ice Cube has detailed the film is back to square one following the death of John Witherspoon.

Witherspoon played Mr. Jones, the father to Ice Cube’s character Craig, and Cube answered a fan online who stated the film has to be recreated now that Witherspoon is gone, blaming New Line Cinema for being slow on the approval. 

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The tweets echo the statements made by Cube at Witherspoon’s funeral, which he apologized to everyone in attendance for the film not being finished in time.

But could CGI be used to keep Pops in? We’ll throw that to Cube below courtesy of TMZ.

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Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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