White Battle Rapper Gets Punched for Dropping the N-Word During a Battle

Footage has been circulating the internet of a white battle rapper learning the hard way to keep the “N-word” out of his rhymes. The rapper, later identified as William Wolf said in a battle,  “I ain’t like these other battle rappers. They talk too much. Saying I can’t use the ‘n’ word in this battle, My n*gga ….” was all he could get out before the rapper was met with a punch to the face.

He previously rapped about the usage of the n-word during the Gates Of The Garden battle league:

But I can’t use the ‘n-word’ in the hood
Well, that’s news to me
When he say it, it’s a term of endearment
When I say it, it’s racist
Cut the foolery
I don’t say that shit in the hood.

The video sparked a lot of controversies online. Some viewers are actually disappointed because the rapper didn’t, “receive enough punches.” I think its safe to say, that William Wolf will think twice before he uses the N-word in his next battle rap.
