Resurfaced video from October puts a light on the Chief of the Minneapolis Police Union who spoke at a Trump rally in Minnesota. The video posted by The Recount on Twitter shows Lt. Bob Kroll praising Trump for his level of support for police.
“The Obama administration and the handcuffing and oppression of police was despicable,” Kroll says in his speech. “The first thing President Trump did when he took office was turn that around. Got rid of the [Eric] Holder-Loretta lynch regime and decided to start letting the cops do their job. Put the handcuffs on the criminals instead of us.”
This speech from October 2019 was less than 2 years after officer Jeronimo Yanez was acquitted in the shooting death of Philando Castile in Minneapolis.
In 2017, Trump and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to roll back police reform that started under President Obama and would not proceed with federal investigations into police departments.
This policy conflicts with Trump’s words in the case of George Floyd’s death. Trump has tweeted that the FBI and DOJ under his request are investigating federal offenses against the involved officers.