’21 Bridges’ Actress Sienna Miller Says Chadwick Boseman Took Pay Cut to Increase Her Salary

It has been a month since the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Since his passing, more and more stories have come out about the great man that he was. In a new interview with Esquire, 21 Bridges actress Sienna Miller reflected on Boseman’s passing and recalled how he gave her part of his salary to make up the difference in her pay for the film.

“I didn’t know whether or not to tell this story, and I haven’t yet. But I am going to tell it because I think it’s a testament to who he was,” Miller said. Miller goes on to state how the studio was unwilling to pay her the number she asked for and would only do the role if she was compensated “in the right way.”

Boseman, who was a producer on the 2019 police action-drama, had sought out Miller for the role and wanted to work with her. He was determined to make that happen, even if it meant donating the difference between Miller’s asking price and what the studio would pay.


“It was about the most astounding thing that I’ve experienced,” Miller said. “That kind of thing just doesn’t happen. He said, ‘You’re getting paid what you deserve, and what you’re worth.’ It’s just unfathomable to imagine another man in that town behaving that graciously or respectfully. In the aftermath of this, I’ve told other male actor friends of mine that story and they all go very very quiet and go home and probably have to sit and think about things for a while. But there was no showiness. It was, ‘Of course I’ll get you to that number, because that’s what you should be paid.’”