The list of supporters behind Vice President Joe Biden continues to grow. The latest is future WWE Hall-of-Famer turned Marvel superhero, Dave Bautista.

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The Hollywood star released a video supporting Biden that he recorded from home and captioned, “We don’t need a bully with lies and empty promises. We need a tough American Public Servant with a plan.”

Within the video message, Bautista highlighted how easy it is to mislead the American people, and contrasted it with the toughness it takes to lead the country, which he says is in Joe Biden.


“It’s easy to lie to people. It’s easy to bully people,” Bautista said. “That does not make you a tough guy. It’s easy to tell someone what they want to hear. It’s not easy to tell someone what they need to hear. We’re not in good shape, but this is where we’re gonna get out of it. That is being tough. This country, more than anything right now, needs someone who’s going to have a plan so we can get back on track. A leader is someone who can unite people, who takes responsibility. That’s toughness. That is Joe Biden.”

Bautista is the latest to publicly express the Biden-Harris campaign from the wrestler-turned-actor sector of Hollywood. In late September, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson released a video in support of the campaign, featuring the president and vice president hopefuls.

“Let’s kick this conversation off this way by me officially publicly endorsing you both to become President and Vice President of our great country,” Johnson said.

You can see Bautista’s endorsement below.

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Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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