Even with new measures in place aimed at curbing the spread of Covid-19, the El Paso community remains one of the hardest hit across the country. The Texas city is experiencing soaring infections and hospitalizations that continue to climb.
Monday, County Judge Ricardo Samaniego said the county requested four more trailers in addition to the six mobile morgues already on the ground to handle a spike in deaths. Yes, mobile morgues to house the dead due to Covid. Samaniego said in a statement, “It may be as much as 20 per day the next two to three weeks. There might be more and more an incline of deaths.”
Last week, the County of El Paso set up its third and fourth mobile morgue units as COVID-19 patients were dying faster than the county could investigate them. This lack of investigation led to an 85 corpse backlog.
Not only is the county faced with backlog issues, but it has also already received 93 more deceased coronavirus patients, and it’s now having to make an even bigger jump in storage space.
“We’ve got two more that are coming up, and then four additional ones that will be given directly to the funeral homes,” Judge Samaniego said.
El Paso is just one of several counties across the country seeing a rapid spike in cases and deaths. The protocol has to be followed if we want to slow the spread. Please wear your masks and stay home unless you have to go out.