D.C. Prepares for Protests and Civil Unrest Ahead of Congress’ Electoral Vote Count

After at least two prior confirmations that Joe Biden will be the United States’ 46th President, the last formality is the electoral college vote and officials in Washington, D.C. are stepping up efforts to ensure safety ahead of anticipated protests.

With Congress set to count the electoral votes on January 6, Trump protesters and Anti-Trump protesters are expected to clash in the streets of the nation’s capital, so police in D.C. are taking precautions to prepare for the protests, which are scheduled from January 5 through January 7. According to official election results, Biden landed 302 electoral votes while Trump managed to garner 232 votes.

Trump has been promoting the main protest, which is scheduled on the same day as the actual Congress vote, via his Twitter account.


According to the report, no police officer in the District of Columbia will be allowed to request time off between Jan. 5-7. Also, 12 Republican Senators have already said that they will challenge Biden’s victory on January 6.