It was a Sunday morning in 1999, where Raymond “Freaky Tah” Rogers of the legendary Lost Boyz was attending a party for a friend. Tragically, while leaving the party hosted at the Sheraton Hotel in Queens, NY, Tah was shot in retaliation for another murder he had nothing to do with.

According to a report on the case, published by MTV News at the time:

The feud that resulted in the death of Freaky Tah (born Raymond Rogers) can be traced back at least to the November [of the previous year], when a member of the Lost Boyz was robbed.” It continued with, “After the robbery… someone police believe was a ‘hanger-on’ in the Lost Boyz camp attempted to retaliate by shooting a man named Michael Saunders, who was a member of the Hellraisers camp. But Saunders, who was killed in the December shooting, actually had no involvement in the robbery.”

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Twenty-two years later, Freaky Tah is still remembered and missed by the Hip Hop culture while the LB Fam sans DJ Spigg Nice, whose still serving his 37 years for armed robbery, recognize and commemorate the crew’s fallen soldier. Salute to Mr. Cheeks, Pretty Lou, his son Freaky Kah and the rest of the Lost Boyz family.