Ancestral ways of healing are on the rise & Goddiske is nurturing and mentoring the culture to be financially literate and go back to their roots. She leads by example & wants to share this way of life to be common practice and create a worldwide network so the community can feel supported in what leads their spirit, which will make them comfortable enough to return to their indigenous ways.

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Farmacy over Pharmacy!

Goddiske believes that spirituality and self-love are the catalyst that changes people by elevating their own perspectives with positivity and understanding, therefore healing depression traumas and ptsd in which the black community is undiagnosed or untreated running rampant  alongside lack of mental health…”it’s never too late to learn or relearn or use tools to help grow into your higher self…your best self!” – Goddiske

She says that spiritually is your inner child & that true happiness returns in finding those same peaceful loves with a vast knowledge of herbs, essential oils, seamoss products & more which she sells and promotes. “Drink lots of water, homemade herbal tonics, and advocate for treating your body as you would any other organic life form feed it with more love and living organics to replenish and sustain a healthy self. Listen to healing frequencies, yoga, meditate daily, writing out and speaking your goals and affirmations. Intentionally release what doesn’t serve your higher good, most importantly no matter where you are in your journey, be grateful and pay it forward!” – Goddiske