Munday Martin, a rising star presently residing in Nashville, Tennessee, is anxious to share his musical talents with the rest of the globe. Martin has always been fascinated by music, having been exposed to it through his father’s influence since he was a child. After years of battling addiction and other tendencies, Martin is ready to commit himself full-time to his job and make a reputation for himself in the industry. As part of his attempts to tell his experience, he just published a new song called “Silver Lining.”

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In “Silver Lining,” Martin’s struggles with drugs and coming closer to God are discussed. He’s traveled a long way in his spiritual journey to return here, and he’s not about to take anything for granted. He knows that others have similar difficulties, and he wants them to know that they are not alone in their troubles and that listening to his music can help them find clarity.

Silver Lining” is a spiritual song from beginning to end, and you can sense Munday Martin’s emotions in it. He’s lifted the bar with this one, and fans are anxiously awaiting his next release. Keep an eye on Munday Martin as he climbs the music industry’s ranks.


About The Author

Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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