Robert DeShawn Boyd, famously known as Rob Run Corleone, is a musical artist and songwriter from Louisville, Kentucky. While in the business of making rap music, Rob is also the author of How To Repair Your Credit In 180 Days.
When compared to other artists, Rob Run believes keeping an open-minded approach to things and being a good listener will take you far. He believes you must remain teachable. An optic many aspiring artists lack. He’s traded verses with The Nappy Roots, Lil Flip and more in the booth and in turn learned a lot about the delivery of his music.
As time progresses Rob Run Corleone hopes to be making money from his craft and running a publicly-traded trucking company; keeping music first because it touches his soul. “The legacy I want to leave behind is to teach my kids to have a nonstop work ethic and to know you must invest in yourself first before you can ask others to do so,” says Rob. Check out Rob’s official video to “Trap” below.