Eli Lazar Expresses His True Feelings On “Retro Sunset”

In his new music single “Retro Sunset,” Eli Lazar analyzes the origins of his musical career and shows us his beginnings. The listener is taken on an emotional roller coaster by the music. The song quickly rose to the top of the music charts following its premiere. Eli Lazar’s brilliance has already been recognized by fans all around the world.

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“Retro Sunset” delves into the beginnings of house music while remaining true to its own sound. It pays homage to classic house production techniques while also including Eli Lazar’s own style. As a result, you get music that is catchy and delightful to listen to, as well as music that makes you want to dance.

Eli Lazar, an artist, is mindful of what his fans anticipate. He’s been exposed to the kind of music that fans appreciate, and he’s tailored his own music to match those expectations. All of his fans appear to be having a wonderful time.


Follow Eli Lazar on Instagram @laziertazer

Listen to Eli Lazar’s music on Spotify here: