Music is home for many people. From those who create to those who listen to it, everyone responds to music differently yet experience a similar depth of emotions. There’s no surprise therefore that music is one of the largest industries in the world. Since music can overcome boundaries of language, it has an innate universality that ups the listening experience. But language is not the only thing music can overcome, it can also overcome lack of motivation, confusion and general despair. And that’s exactly what musician Eric Walsh experienced with music as it became his respite in tough times.
Music was a part of Eric’s life from the beginning. From music he grew up with to the music he grew into, music was like the blood running in his body. He recalls, “Music has always meant more than words to me. For as long as I can remember, music has been a companion which has never betrayed me or misjudged my intentions. Whether break-ups, domestic issues or the general sense of confusion that teenagers generally go through, I found music to be that friend that I could always count on. Music is an experience in itself. And often words do fall short when you are trying to work through your feelings. But something in the essence of music that appeals to your intuition, and can calm your senses in a way that’s beyond description.”
Eric’s interest in music naturally took him musical instruments. He started with a guitar and soon moved on to percussion and since then there’s been no looking back. He says, “I derive great joy and comfort from playing multiple instruments. One, I never get bored and second it has helped me discover instruments, sounds and beats that go well with each other.”
Looks like Eric’s on a role. Here’s wishing him good luck.