DJ Akademiks trended online Wednesday after audio went viral of him saying that he would have sex with a 17-year-old. The Neighborhood Talk stated the audio is allegedly from 2013 when he was 20 years old.

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“And to keep it real if you think about it in the bigger scheme of things, there’s not much difference between a 20 or a 17 or a 21 and a 17,” Akademiks said in the clip. “Just kinda means one’s a minor and one’s not a minor. But listen, I will say I adopted this rule which I think is fine. I said, listen, as long as a chick got a college ID she’s getting f*cked. I don’t care if she 17, I don’t care if she 17 and a half, I don’t care if she just turned 17, she gon’ get this d*ck.”

Ak would offer an explanation through a stream later but stood by his belief.


“What I was trying to say is that, either you’re 21 or 20, right? And someone’s like, 17, this Is only the college dynamic, right? Because they put four years of kids together, just like they do in high school. I said, usually there’s not much of a difference, like, when you’re in college, you don’t really see the difference and I still believe that.”

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Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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