When it comes to re writing your own narrative, there’s no better example than former Federal Prisoner, Motivational Speaker, and Producer Jimmy DaSaint. A true pioneer and major influence not only in his city of Philadelphia; but the culture as a whole. Considering most content comes from the actual performer, Jimmy has shaped a new generation of Directors and Producers.
James Mathis, also known as Jimmy Dasaint is an award winning bestselling author from Philadelphia. He has written and published over 25 novels and three feature films. He is also a mentor and drugs and guns activist in Philly.
In 2000, DaSaint was sentenced to serve ten years in a Federal Prison, leaving his family and friends, and the I.C.H. camp without their leader. However, prison was the start of a new beginning for Jimmy DaSaint. Unlike many prisoners who give up on life after being incarcerated, Jimmy placed his faith in God and discovered his passion for writing books.
Without a college degree or taking writing courses he proved to be extremely skilled in the art of writing. At times, other inmates were begging to read his hand written, unpublished manuscripts. An action which both helps time pass while incarcerated, as well as garner new eyes and ears for his work.
Jimmy DaSaint has been released from federal prison where he fined-tuned his skills as a storyteller of street reality. Now his undeniable talents are being recognized and Jimmy DaSaint is being called the “Number 1 Author of Street Drama”. Jiqmmy started the Philly hip hop awards to showcase the music scene in his hometown of Philadelphia. His true -life documentary film American Hustler is featured on Amazon Prime. See Links to films below.