DatPiff Eases Rap Fans Minds After Rumors of Shut Down: ‘We Are Still Here’

Fans were holding a funeral for legendary mixtape platform Datpiff a little bit too soon. Fans noticed the site was down, leading to rumors that the mixtape hub had run its course.

Hitting Twitter, Datpiff revealed they are still around, just working through tech issues.

“Despite the rumors, we are happy to report that we will still be supplying you with all the mixtapes you love,” Datpiff’s official Twitter wrote. “We’re working through technical issues on our site and app, but still actively update our youtube! Thanks for all the love and concerns but we promise, we are still here.”


A post from Reddit claimed the site was no longer responsive after months of acting slowly. Turns out it is just in update mode. The iOS web app is currently experiencing bugs and the Android version is currently not available.

Thankfully, Datpiff is still around.