Shaq is a funny character. Over the weekend, the NBA legend had fans worried about his condition after an image of him surfaced from a hospital. Reports would eventually state that Shaq was just getting hip surgery, but he is now correcting us all.

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Shaq hopped on Twitter and shared a video of him in a Lakers jersey with his butt out. “To all the people who are worried and concerned. first off, let me say thank you,” Shaq wrote.

“And lastly no need to worry, just had to get some BBL WORK AKA #hipreplacement. Thanks and love you all. but no need to worry and yes i’m fine.”


BBLs are currently insanely popular as fat from other areas of the body is moved to the thighs and butt areas. In case you need to know for sure, it was just a regular hip replacement.

You can get a laugh with The Big Aristotle below.

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Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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