Lil Yachty Says Drake’s ‘For All The Dogs’ Touches Controversial Topics and Has Some of His Best Verses

Drake’s bestie, Lil Yachty, gave an update on For All The Dogs during his latest episode of A Safe Place podcast.

Speaking with his friend MitchGoneMad, Yachty stated the album gives high energy and praises the verses.

“It has the most, I would say like the most ‘performance’ album he’ll have, as far as like energy,” Yachty said. “I think some of the best Drake verses that I ever heard are on this album. Some of the verses I’m just like, ‘Bruh, what’s wrong with you?’ People gonna have a lot to say about some of his topics on this album. And I don’t think he does it on purpose. I will say he deals with some controversial things.”


You can hear all the details from Lil Yachty below.