Maverick Carter, manager and business partner of LeBron James, confessed to federal agents that he bet on NBA games through an illegal bookmaker. The Washington Post reports Carter denied placing bets for other people and “could not remember placing any bets on the Lakers.”
“In 2021 and before 38 states and the District of Columbia legalized sports betting, Maverick Carter was interviewed a single time by federal law enforcement regarding their investigation into Wayne Nix,” Adam Mendelsohn, a spokesperson for Carter and James, said in a statement to the Post. “Mr. Carter was not the target of the investigation, cooperated, was never charged, and never contacted again on the matter.”
The 20 bets ranged from $5,000 to $10,000 each. Managers are not forbidden to bet by the NBA or NBA Players Association.
Nix is a former minor league basketball player who operated an illegal sports gambling business and filed false tax returns. His business operated for 20 years with clients like Scottie Pippen and Yasiel Puig.
“Maverick’s his own man and at the end of the day, gambling is legal,” James said following the . “I mean, you can go on your phone right now and do whatever you want. And he has no affiliation with the NBA or NFL, so, he can do what he wants to do.”