News reports have confirmed that Shannon Stillwell, one of the co-defendants in the YSL(Young Slime Life) RICO trial was stabbed in Fulton County Jail in the early morning hours of December 11.
Max Schardt, Stillwell’s attorney said, “I’m obviously very concerned about my client and I’m gathering information at this time.” Judge Ural Glanville spoke on the stabbing saying, “We’ve had a medical issue come up for one of our participants.”
The judge told the jury they are expected to return at 9 a.m. Tuesday and he will let them know at that time if they are able to continue.
Stillwell, who is also known as “SB” , is one of five defendants charged with murder and attempted murder in connection with the death of Donovan Thomas Jr., who was shot and killed at a barbershop in Castleberry Hill. in 2015. It is alleged that Young Thug rented the car used in that drive-by shooting.
Stillwell was stabbed by Willie Brown, who was initially arrested by the East Point Police Department on July 2020 on several charges, including aggravated assault, murder and cruelty to children, and is being held without bond.
Stillwell is facing two counts of first degree murder alongside the YSL RICO charges