Written and directed by Lagueria Davis, Black Barbie explores how three Black women revolutionized the iconography of the Barbie brand and the development of the first Black Barbie.
Here’s the official synopsis:
Camilla Hall, Jyoti Sarda, Milan Chakraborty, Grace Lay, Sumalee Montano, Rhimes, and Betsy Beers executive produce Black Barbie.
“Black Barbie celebrates the momentous impact three Black women at Mattel had on the evolution of the Barbie brand as we know it,” the logline reads. “Through these charismatic insiders stories, the documentary tells the story of how the first Black Barbie came to be in 1980, examining the importance of representation and how dolls can be crucial to the formation of identity and imagination.”
Handling producer reins are Davis and Aaliyah Williams. “Black Barbie” hits on Netflix on June 19.