Three Charges Against Yak Gotti in YSL Trial Dismissed by Judge

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Yak Gotti caught a break in his portion of the YSL Trial as some of his charges were dismissed.

According to 11 Allive, Gotti, born Deamonte Kendrick, had three counts related to drug possession and distribution tossed out by Judge Paige Whitaker via directed verdict.

A directed verdict cites, “there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to reach a different conclusion.”


Another directed verdict for his additional charges, including a RICO charge, was denied. That filing stated, “A person who was merely present at the scene of the commission of a crime at the time is not necessarily guilty of consent in and concurrence in the commission of the crime unless the evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that such person committed the alleged crime, helped in the actual perpetration of the crime, or participated in the criminal endeavor.”