Hip-Hop at its finest with Curren$y, Capo Corleone & KXNG Crooked on Rikanatti’s “10 Speed Remix”

Hip-Hop at its finest with Curren$y, Capo Corleone & KXNG Crooked on Rikanatti’s “10 Speed Remix”

Heavy-hitting independent artists KXNG Crooked, Capo Corleone, and Curren$y release the remix of producer Rikanatti’s “10 Speed.” Featuring other popular independent artists like Dizzy Wright, Demrick, and Ca$his, the release is an ideal example of a modern-day rap record. Themed around the nostalgia of being a neighborhood kid dreaming of a big future, these artists give their spin on what it was in their minds when they used to ride their respective ten-speeds.

As Curren$y raps, “I been picturing this since I was on my ten-speed,” each rapper gives their own view of how they first began to picture a bigger life for themselves. As Capo Corleone raps, “Back in the day when I wanted to pray, I rode it right around the block. Visions, beginnings of windows that’s tinted. I knew that I’d never give up.” A listener can truly relate to their younger years, dreaming of what lies ahead. 

The artists on this song have no shortage of notoriety either. Artists like KXNG Crooked, Ca$his, and Rikanatti boast collaborations with artists like Eminem, Russ & 50 Cent. While Curren$y has been featured on colossal albums by Lil Wayne & Killer Mike. Corleone even, an up-and-coming independent rapper, had his last EP “Thank Myself” ranked as a Top 10 album in the US next to artists like Nas and Kendrick Lamar. 


One thing is certain, the “10 Speed Remix” gives all sorts of diverse takes of each rapper’s story and we’re here for it. Especially with bars and heavy-hitting punchlines from some of the best in the music industry. The “10 Speed Remix” is out now everywhere you can stream music.