The Game hit the front lines of the Los Angeles wildfires, assisting firefighters across the city.
The Compton legend hit Instagram and shared the work he has been doing, serving firefighters with food, water, comfort items and more.
Me & my team have been down here with the brave men & women fire fighters on the grown day in & day out assisting anyway I can to make their days a little easier.
The hearts & level of humility in each & every soul down here is a beautiful thing to witness & be a part of.
These fighters are coming from all over the city, state & country to help put an end to what has been a long week of catastrophic events caused by these fires.
They kept thanking me for being here… and in my mind I’m like, “No, THANK YOU !!!” for doing the unimaginable in a time of pure terror & despair.
My heart goes out to each & every person directly affected & those watching from all over the world who are mentally in pieces over what has happened in my city.
I am here for Los Angeles & I will always be here to do my part.
To everyone calling me.. asking how they can help, stay locked in to my page as I’ll be posting information, links etc to get everyone in a position to assist.
Love – The Game
You can peep The Game’s efforts below.