Trump Legal Team Plans to Label Gen. Flynn a Liar in Russia Probe

Words by Roman White

The Washington Post is reporting that President Donald Trump’s legal team plans to label former National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn, as a liar if he decides to accuse anyone on the current Trump team of colluding with Russia during the 2016 election.

The Trump Campaign has been under investigation by the FBI since July 2016 for possibly working with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government to help get Trump elected.


National security officials and intelligence communities came to the conclusion post-election that Russia used ‘Fake News’ websites and social media pages to sway voters away from Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton and to vote in favor of Donald Trump. President Trump has been back-and-forth on whether or not he believes Russia tried to influence the election citing conversations with Putin, in which he denies ever seeking to influence the election.

General Flynn was fired less than a month after President Trump’s inauguration in January. Trump has said he was fired for lying to Vice-President, Mike Pence. Since his firing, Michael Flynn has been a key target in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia. Earlier this month, it was revealed that Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI. This felony could land Flynn in prison for up to 5 years.

General Flynn is said to be fully cooperating with the FBI but Trump’s team says that Flynn does not have any evidence to implicate any members of the Trump team or the president himself. According to the Washington Post’s report, should Flynn even attempt to implicate anyone on the Trump Administration they will label him a liar despite Trump’s previous claims that Flynn was a ‘very good person.’

It seems like the walls are starting to close in on some members of the Trump Campaign team. Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort was recently indicted by the FBI and is currently on house arrest awaiting trial. Manafort was charged with money laundering and conspiracy against the United States.