Friday night on RuPaul’s Drag Race, Queens rapper Nicki Minaj graced the stage as a judge for the drag competition reality show. Always bringing A-list judges to help decide who should win the competition, Nicki was called to lend her constructive criticism to the rap maxi challenge.
The queens performed an effortless rap performance to the song ‘Am That B*** that left Nicki speechless. Dressed in crimson red from head to toe, it was only a matter of time before Nicki appeared on the show. Most of the contestants throughout the seasons praised Nicki and her name was always brought up so it was no surprise when the ladies were all gagging when she arrived. Monét X Change once performed one of the most memorable lip-syncs to the rapper’s 2012 single “Pound the Alarm,” while Trinity K. Bonet previously portrayed Minaj during the season 6 Snatch Game celebrity impersonation challenge.
After the ladies performed Ru asked Nicki what would she say if she had to write a verse to ‘Am That Bitch’ and Nicki did not disappoint. As Ru said, “That’s why you’re the queen.”
Check out her freestyle below!