Sway Talks About Revolutionizing Radio In The New Issue Of The Source


Radio veteran and MTV television personality Sway is featured in this month’s Source magazine! Sway talks about his “Sway In The Morning” radio show on Sirius’ Shade 45 satellite radio station, and radio’s current state in today’s digital age. Here is an excerpt from the story:  

“In the tradition of radio, people listened to be informed. Whether they were listening to Joe Lewis fighting the Championship fight, or if they were listening to see if the country was going to war or whatever the latest was with the President,” Sway begins. “Now, you don’t really have that opportunity to talk to people anymore. People just blurt out information. It’s like a fast food mentality on radio.”

With the abundance of folks from within the Hip-Hop community who do radio these days, Sway’s experience is refreshing. “You really don’t have personalities that have a true voice. When they do get the opportunity to speak, it’s always forced,” he explains to The Source. “Here, they could come and have a conversation with actual people. We are able to do things like ‘Sway In The Morning’ concert series where people actually perform live here.” And as a Hip-Hop enthusiast, the concert series still allows Sway to scratch that itch in breaking new artists, something he did a lot of back in the day with King Tech on the groundbreaking Wake Up Show, where he first met the current owner of Shade 45, Marshall Mathers, or as he is widely known Eminem…

Read the full story in the current issue of The Source magazine, on stands now!!


Watch behind the scenes and portions of Sway’s full interview in the video below.