Big Sean Brings Us “Control (HOF)”, Featuring Kendrick Lamar & Jay Electronica. Listen Now

sean kendrick

“They live for the moments/I live for a living”

Big Sean‘s Hall Of Fame album is due out two weeks from tomorrow, and if our Record Report, his album listening session, and his slew of interviews haven’t hyped you up yet, watch Kanye’s protege grow why don’t you. On a personal note, the two artists featured on this song are my personal choices for the number one and number two most talented rappers in the game right now, despite the latter’s permanent disappearing act. Big Sean claims this joint didn’t make the album, which is refreshing, as features too often make up too much of an artist’s tracklist, but g*ddamn if this ain’t a gold rope chain sitting in the back of an all-white Lexus in 2000 on the corner of Greene Avenue and Mar…I digress. To put it bluntly, this is a good a** rap song. Listen to the future, I can almost hear the brightness.

-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)