Dantrell Morgan is enjoying early success in hip hop. The 20 year old, Southside Chicago native better known to his fan base as Trell, recently dropped #Versatility, his first mixtape. Hosted by Chicago spinsters Dj Amaris and Dj Louie V, the mixtape is a must listen with Trell and Just Like That as two tracks you’ll put on repeat.
Check Out His Latest Video
An independent artist, Trell enjoys his current space in the Chicago music scene. Although he’s young, he’s on the come up in the Chiraq! To please his fan base, he drops a new song via YouTube every weekend. Be on the lookout for those gems! Trell is pleased with his rise. As that rise continues, the up-and-comer is looking to work with other ambitious artists in his city and globally. “I’m 20 years old, very versatile,” Trell told The Source.
“And willing as well as open to work with any other artist interested in doing so.”
Check Out Trell’s Collabo With Lil Corey
Trell is an artist worth paying attention to. Make sure to download his Versatility mixtape by CLICKING HERE
Follow his progress by following him on Twitter @071_trell and Instagram @knownbytrell