Mike Tyson Gets A New Adult Swim Animated Series, And It Looks Awesome

This could actually be pretty amazing.

What happens when you combine the classic Scooby Doo cartoon with the “Baddest Man on the Planet”, Mike Tyson? You get the new Adult Swim animated series, Mike Tyson Mysteries.

The new series, as spokesperson Rob Coddry simply put it, is “Scooby-Doo meets the A-team… with Mike Tyson.” The cartoon will feature voice work from comedian Norm MacdonaldRachel Ramras, and Jim Rash (from Community).

According to Adult Swim:

In Mike Tyson Mysteries, a new half-hour animated adult comedy series, Mike Tyson is taking the fight from the boxing ring to the streets … by solving mysteries! Aided by the Mike Tyson Mystery Team – the Ghost of the Marquess of Queensbury, Mike’s adopted Korean daughter, and a pigeon who was once a man – Mike Tyson will answer any plea sent to him. If you have a problem that needs solving, Iron Mike is in your corner.

A trailer for the series premiered at San Diego Comic Con, which you can enjoy above. Will you watch Mike Tyson Mysteries?


You can find Khari Clarke in a bar in Williamsburg and on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).