The Oxford Dictionary Adds Slang Terms Such As “Binge-Watch”, “Selfie”, and More

Score another for pop culture.

In today’s Twitter and text crazed society, you’re bound come across a phrase or terminology  you’re not familiar with. “Listicles”, “vaping”, “binge-watch”, “amazeballs” and several other modern slang terms have all been officially added to Oxford University Press‘ online Oxford Dictionaries word bank to keep you hip. Think of it as Urban Dictionary, but more … you know … Oxford-ier.

According to ABC News, Oxford Dictionaries’ editors scour the internet, newspapers, and other media outlets to follow the popularity and pertinence of about 150 million modern English words. Every few months, the dictionary is updated with terms that they deem warrant entry. “These are words that are common enough that you are likely to encounter them, and may have to look up their meanings,” Oxford Dictionaries editor Katherine Martin told ABC News.

With the current reign of television and movie streaming services like Netflix which offer several seasons of many popular programs, terms such as “binge-watch”, for example, have spawned to describe the phenomenon of “[watching] multiple episodes of (a television program) in rapid succession”. As well with the celebrities, such as Rihanna and Kim Kardashian making increasingly provocative fashion choices, words such as “side boob” have been coined to describe “the side part of a woman’s breast, as exposed by a revealing item of clothing.”

Abbreviations have also been added, such as FYL meaning “f–k your life”, YOLO which was coined by Drake meaning “you only live once”, and NFI meaning

While you may find much of your favorite current lingo in Oxford Dictionaries online, it does not necessarily mean you’ll be seeing “YOLO” included in the traditional Oxford English Dictionary any time soon. “For some of these, we will say ‘What was that?’ in a decade. Others may become the next selfie,” Martin explained, “the English-speaking public will choose.”

Head over to the Oxford Dictionaries website and see if the your favorite slang term has been added.


Khari Clarke thinks “binge-watching” is “amazeballs”. You can find him “live-tweeting” on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).