Childish Gambino taps into his inner “child”.
Back in 2010 fans of Donald Glover provoked an internet campaign to get Marvel Comics to allow the actor/comedian/rapper to play Spider-Man in the then-forthcoming Amazing Spider-Man reboot. Although the the red and blue tights were inevitably bestowed upon Andrew Garfield, the viral campaign — which consisted of petitions, a #donald4spiderman Twitter hasthtag and even the actor wearing Spiderman pajamas on NBC’s Community — did prove highly successful at getting the attention of Marvel. In fact, the movement inspired Ultimate Spider-Man writer, Bryan Michael Bendis, to create a story arc in 2011 in which Peter Parker/Spider-Man dies at the hand of Green Goblin and Miles Morales, a 13-year-old, half-Hispanic, half-African American becomes the new web-slinger.
Now, four years later Glover will have the opportunity to play Morales — in animated form — in the upcoming season of Disney XD’ Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors. When Peter Parker as Spider-Man (voiced by Drake Bell) travels across dimensions tailing the Green Golbin, he bumps into his successor which makes for a humorous exchange, as seen in the trailer below. From the clip it’s clear that Glover is perfect for the role as his voice suits the teenager flawlessly. “If you’ve read Miles Morales comics, Donald’s voice nails what you’ve been reading,” Vice President of Marvel Television’s animated division, Stephen Wacker told USA Today.
Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors premieres Sunday at 9 a.m. EST, with the “Spider-Verse” story arc, featuring Donald Glover as Miles Morales set to air sometime next year. Enjoy the preview of the episode above.
Khari Clarke wishes he could play Spider-Man, but until then you can find him scaling walls in Brooklyn and on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).