New Rant Alert: Kanye Addresses Wheelchair Incident Exactly How You’d Expect

Kanye got some words for media outlets.

“I’m a married, Christian man with a family … pick a new target” Kanye proclaims during the Brisbane, Australia stop of his Yeezus Tour the Huffington Post reports. Ye’s latest rant touched on the events that occurred last friday at his now-infamous Sydney show in which he demanded everyone to stand up, and stopped the show for several minutes until it was discovered that the two people who weren’t standing couldn’t — they were handicapped.

The media of course had a field day with his snafu, and Kanye of course had words about it. “Bullsh*t was blown out of proportion,” he reportedly told the crowd during his five minute rant. He told the the attendees about his day at the Australia Zoo and how the “negativity that was circulating” spoiled his outing with his wife and daughter.

He continued on with his show, this time more circumspect. “Everybody who is not in a wheelchair or handicapped will stand up,” Australian newspaper Courier Mail reports Yeezy demanded. “If you can not prove to me that you are in a wheelchair you need to be standing, if you can it is okay to sit down.”


Khari Clarke is lightskinned, bearded and on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).