When The Tables Turn: A Citizen Pulled Over A Cop For Driving Unmarked Patrol Car

A Washington State police officer gets a taste of his own medicine

A citizen of Washington State recently pulled over a police officer traveling in an unmarked car in what proved to be an awesome exhibition of the script being flipped. The cop was driving a completely unmarked white car down the street, and the citizen walked up to him and inquired as to why he was operating an unmarked car as a patrol officer as opposed to using the vehicle as a registered undercover car. According to Washington State Law, it is illegal for a police officer to operate an unmarked patrol car, a rule we’re pretty sure the officer was aware of. What took him by surprise, more than likely, was a nearby citizen’s knowledge of said law, and that he had the audacity to apply it to this very real life situation. Watch the above video, which is a reminder that just like any other ordinary citizen, police officers have to follow the laws as well.
