There aren’t enough words to describe the tremendous dedication, purpose and effort that went into achieving peace in South Africa, as portrayed by the documentary “Plot For Peace.” The film, through many vignettes, tells the story of South Africa’s release of Nelson Mandela. It features the countless testimonies of diplomats, Winnie Mandela, and heads of state. However the key to this release and ending Apartheid was an unidentifiable French Business man nicknamed “Monsieur Jacques” who we now know is Jean-Yves Ollivier.
Throughout, the film directed by Carlos Agulló and Mandy Jacobson, depicted the severity of the mid 1980’s with video archives of South Africa. It vividly showed these times of struggle. These racial conflicts were taking place as the Cold War was wreaking havoc and damaged the country of Angola as well.
The film introduced us to a foreign oil trader who had connections in Europe and Africa. Because of his relationships with prominent people, he worked as a secret mediator. During the time of the Algerian Independence movements, Jean-Yves Ollivier (the protagonist and Algerian native) made it his ultimate mission to fix injustices and was ultimately triumphant.
One example of this is Angolan militants/armed forces were present in South Africa during Apartheid and because Jean-Yves was able to stop corruption in the country, these Angolan forces had to leave. Ollivier created the foundation for a “new” South Africa. That is remarkable. Because of his dedication and drive, Jean-Yves Ollivier received the Order of Good Hope and Grand Minister of Good Hope from president Nelson Mandela for the promotion of the well-being of South Africa and his role in helping Apartheid come to an end. This is a beautiful film that really shows someone with so much bravery. He risked almost everything for the sake of a nation. It is truly humbling, phenomenal and a significant and heroic narrative.
Opening Fri, Oct 31, 2014
New York City – Village East Cinema
Washington DC – Angelika Pop-Up / Union Market & Angelika Film Center / Mosaic (Fairfax, VA)
Opening Wed, Nov 5, 2014
Los Angeles – Sundance Sunset
Opening Fri, Nov 7, 2014
San Francisco – Opera Plaza
-Breanna Robinson