Awful Records is one of the few creative teams stemming form Atlanta that is consistent with the content and quality of what they release.  Abra, the soulful but eerie singer, songwriter, and producer of the group releases her debut single “U Go I Go,” which will appear on her first project titled, Blaq Velvet EP.  Abra’s vocals has a mystique quality that draws you into her world of emotions.  On the record, she confesses her longing love and slight obsession towards a lover over a simplistic beat.  Majority of her production has a minimalistic approach with a twist, but her upcoming Blaq Velvet EP has a variation of stylistic elements that still remain true to the many sounds that inspire her (one of them being 90’s R&B).

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“I am really excited to release Blaq Velvet. I feel like lyrically, it is a collection statement of all the things I have learned this year. Sometimes when I first write a song the content can be kind of heavy, but I am not trying to weigh anyone down with my music. I usually write a lot of dark, lo fi music but for this, I wanted it to have a throwback vibe reminiscent to the music that made me feel good, inspired me, and made me fall in love with music. It was fun to mix the two.”

You can stay updated with Abra’s music, shows, and videos by visiting her  website and Twitter :



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