In an attempt to save their own lives , four children fled from a mother’s drunk driving

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A 45-year-old Florida mother toted around four 11-year-olds Tuesday night. But not before downing two pitchers of beer at a bowling alley and then a margarita at Ruby Tuesday’s. According to the Gainsville Sun, the children feared for their lives as the mother swerved around the road before sideswiping a pole. The kids jumped out the car as it stopped and fled to Steak ‘n Shake in tears with a frantic and agitated mother, Angela Woodworth on their tails. Witness Jeff Kramer, ushered the children to safety as police took Woodworth  into custody.

“I was upset. Nobody should be drinking and driving let alone with kids in the car,” Kramer said.

Woodworth faces child neglect and resisting an officer. She also faces and drug charges after police found marijuana and a pipe under the front seat of her car. It turns out only one of the children belonged the Woodworth, the other three are back home with their parents.



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Staff Writer

90s R&B enthusiast with a bad habit of doing my makeup to trap music. Oh yeah, I write poetry too. Ocasionally tweets Wu-Tang lyrics here @__hennystraight

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