Woman Found Dead in Texas Jail Cell 2 Days After Driving There to Start a New Job

Pulled over at a traffic stop. Arrested. Found dead in her jail cell

A 28-year old woman, Sandra Bland, drove to Texas on July 9 to start a new job at Prairie View A&M, her alma mater. A day later, on July 10, she was pulled over at a traffic stop by authorities for failing to signal during a lane change, and she allegedly became “combative” during the stop. She would be arrested and charged with assaulting a public servant. Below is a video clip of the arrest, which doesn’t depict Bland’s alleged combative actions, but does show her being restrained, and being vocal about not understanding why she was being treated in that manner.


Eyewitness testimony from Bland’s friend also points to excessive force on behalf of the police.

After he pulled her out of the car, forced her and tossed her to the ground, knee to the neck, and arrested her.

On July 13, while her family worked to gather her bail money, at 9 AM, Ms. Bland was found dead in a Walker County jail cell, by way of “self-inflicted asphyxiation,” but her friends and family aren’t having it. They’re adamant about the fact that Bland, who was excited about her new job and known for publicly speaking out against police brutality, would not take her own life, particularly, her friend Cheryl Nanton.

I do suspect foul play. I believe that we are all 100 percent in belief that she did not do harm to herself.

According to Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis, the information that he has only points to one thing.

I do not have any information that would make me think it was anything other than just a suicide.

Texas state rangers are currently investigating the incident, but have yet to comment on the above video clip.

2 thoughts on “Woman Found Dead in Texas Jail Cell 2 Days After Driving There to Start a New Job

  1. They better not get away with this!!! Police brutality has got to be stopped!!! She did not kill herself!!! Those cowards killed her!!!

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