Congressman Jerrold Nalder takes First Steps Toward Impeachment of Donald Trump

Looks like the impeachment process of Donald Trump may be falling into place

Yesterday, while most of us enjoyed a snow day, congressman Jerrold Nadler filed a “resolution of inquiry” against President Donald Trump. What this means: Nadler is requesting information from the executive branch. Nadler’s two specific requests within the inquiry: any communications between President Trump and the Department of Justice as well as more information regarding his business involvement with Russia (which he has denied). Nadler issued a statement regarding the reason behind the inquiry:

“Donald Trump has refused to step away from his business interests in any meaningful way. His foreign entanglements are likely unconstitutional, he has repeatedly refused to disclose his financial assets, and he is clouded by the specter of Russian intervention in the election and his Administration.”

We’re hoping that with this order Nadler’s findings could lead to even more findings that take the next steps toward impeachment. Now this is going to take some time but we’re just glad things are moving in the right direction. Check out Nadler’s tweet below.