Food Network’s Star Sunny Anderson Shames Women for Sexual Harassment Silence

Words by Fatima Barrie

The Kitchen co-host Sunny Anderson is receiving flack on twitter for her insensitive victim blaming tweets regarding women who have harbored their sexual harassment stories for years.

Anderson weighed in her thoughts about the numerous women who have come forward in light of the Harvey Weinstein allegations, questioning their prolonged accusations. She recalled her own experience at the workplace:


When I reported my 1st radio boss for sexual harassment, I felt brave. The 4 co-workers that came out AFTER me were not brave to me…at all. In fact I blamed them and still do for not being BRAVE and reporting him before he had a chance to make one more victim.

Sunny continued to go on stating, “So, as all these women come out of the woodwork…ask yourself… were they complicit in their silence? Complicit when taking payoffs?”

Anderson’s shaming, distasteful tweets set twitter on fire and angered users, here’s what some had to say.

Anderson has since deleted her tweets and later apologized, “I’ve deleted my obviously polarizing & offensive statement. As a victim & warrior against sexual harassment in the work place, I apologize.”