j.j. abrams

Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Peter Jackson Support Sean Parker’s New Film Venture

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Entrepreneur Sean Parker is probably best known as the co-founder of the music file sharing service Napster and founding president of Facebook. (Justin Timberlake played him in David Fincher’s The Social Network.) He was also an early investor in Spotify and was integral in the company becoming a global force. Parker has an excellent track record […]

Scare Yourself With the Trailer to J.J. Abrams’ Surprise ‘Cloverfield’ Sequel

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Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information In 2008, millions of people scared themselves sh*tless with Cloverfield, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves‘ horror thriller about a mysterious creature that attacks a futuristic New York City during an otherwise jubilant night. The film grossed over $40 million in its opening weekend, setting the January opening weekend box office record, which […]